Cultural Visit

Many of us will remember Cristina Fantin Gatti’s fantastic presentation from last year, ‘KEEP CALM AND …VISIT MILAN!’ As our own resident Milan expert, Cristina has organised a guided tour

Italian for Int.

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Advanced Italian

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland


Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland

This is a game of Chinese origin, using small engraved tiles, for tables of three to four players. Mah Jong involves skill, strategy and calculation as well as a certain

Italian for Beginners

Ristorante Parco Maraini Via Massagno 36, Lugano, Switzerland

Coffee Morning

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Advanced English

Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland
