Mah Jong

This is a game of Chinese origin, using small engraved tiles for tables of three to four players.We normally play on Thursday afternoons from 14.30 to 17.00 (approx.) - however,

French conversation

Canvetto Luganese - Fondazione Diamante, Via Rinaldo Simen 14, CP 4661, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland


A Bulgarian Banquet”Tuesday, 12 November, 18.30 onwardsWe continue our exciting Cooking Group year with“A Bulgarian Banquet” hosted by Krasimira.Our dress code for the evening is “Classy”.Several members have been disappointed


Hotel Pestalozzi, Piazza Indipendenza 9, 6901 Lugano, Switzerland


French conversation

Canvetto Luganese - Fondazione Diamante, Via Rinaldo Simen 14, CP 4661, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

Mah Jong

This is a game of Chinese origin, using small engraved tiles for tables of three to four players.We normally play on Thursday afternoons from 14.30 to 17.00 (approx.) - however,