KIP (Knit in Public) Experienced and novice knitters are welcome so we can share our expertise. If you are a newcomer to the group please call me in advance to confirm your attendance.
This activity is a joint programme of the International Women‘s Club of Lugano and the American Women of Ticino and is for moms with babies and toddlers and meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at group members‘ homes. Rocio Tauber is co-coordinator and if you would like to be added to the …
Burraco is a card game for tables of up to four players in fixed partnerships in which the aim is to lay down combinations: groups of cards of equal rank and sequences of cards in a suit. For those ladies who play regularly, please let Mon know if you are not able to attend. Many …
This activity is a joint programme of the International Women‘s Club of Lugano and the American Women of Ticino and is for moms with babies and toddlers and meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at group members‘ homes. Rocio Tauber is co-coordinator and if you would like to be added to the …
This month our walk will take place on Sunday, 15 April due to the Easter holidays. It will be an easy one which will include a stop for a "merenda" (light lunch) in-between; round the "MONTE CASLANO" with a walking time of about 1 hour. For more details and definitive participation please contact Marlene no …
With new technologies, we can watch movies everywhere: on the go, mostly with our headphones on. But how about watching a movie together with friends? A different matter altogether. Whether it’s a comedy, a drama, an inspirational documentary or a horror movie and even if it’s a classic you’ve watched before, a lot of fun …
This activity is a joint programme of the International Women‘s Club of Lugano and the American Women of Ticino and is for moms with babies and toddlers and meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at group members‘ homes. Rocio Tauber is co-coordinator and if you would like to be added to the …
Dear Ladies, Given the success of our SPA day I was asked to repeat the event and we are going back to Kurhaus in Cademario. Join us! To add: 15 % off on all SPA treatments, we suggest you book in advance mentioning IWCL. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE 15% off on SPA entrance and treatments …
This is a game of Chinese origin, using small engraved tiles, for tables of three to four players. Mah Jong involves skill, strategy and calculation as well as a certain degree of chance. We do not play on a regular basis (on account of frequent travel) and games are arranged each time we meet. Room …
This month our walk will take place on Sunday, 6 May and we will meet at 11.00. For full details please contact Marlene before the deadline of Friday, 4 May. Family, friends and dogs always welcome!