
Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland

The IWCL continues to grow and we welcome new members! No experience required just a willingness to join in and commit to our rehearsal schedule. Our drama performance will take place on Thursday, 16 May 2019. Please contact Sue for more information, or just come along on the day to share your ideas.

Moms and Tots

This activity is a joint programme of the International Women‘s Club of Lugano and the American Women of Ticino and is for moms with babies and toddlers and meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at group members‘ homes.


LAC Café by Gabbani Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland


Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

English – Intermediate

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

Italian for Int.

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

Spanish Conversation

Piazza Molino Nuovo 17 Piazza Molino Nuovo 17, Lugano, Switzerland