Italian for Int.

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

Italian for Int.

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Advanced Italian

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Choir – Pink Voices

Would you like to learn how to sing? Here is your chance! Come and join us, no previous experience required. We have set up a cycle of 4 classes to learn basic rules (or revise them, in case you were not a total beginner). After this cycle, further classes will ideally be held every 15



Talki Banco Bar Cucina Via Lugano 13, Agno, Switzerland


Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland

This is a game of Chinese origin, using small engraved tiles, for tables of three to four players. Mah Jong involves skill, strategy and calculation as well as a certain degree of chance.

Italian for Beginners

Ristorante Parco Maraini Via Massagno 36, Lugano, Switzerland