
LAC Café by Gabbani Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland


Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland


SPECIAL CHRISTMAS "POTLUCK" By popular request, our December Cooking Group Evening will be another ‘pot luck’ event, this time with a Festive theme. You are invited to come along to share one of your own, home-made party dishes with the other participants, in a buffet -style ‘show and tell.’ Whether you are a ‘regular’ or


English – Intermediate

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

New pupils: please email first


Golf Club Monticello Via Alessandro Volta 63, Cassina Rizzardi, CO, Italy

Italian for Int.

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland

Spanish Conversation

Piazza Molino Nuovo 17 Piazza Molino Nuovo 17, Lugano, Switzerland

Italian for Int.

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Advanced Italian

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland