
Golf Club Monticello, via 22070, Via Alessandro Volta, 43, 22070 Cassina Rizzardi CO, Italie Golf Club Monticello, via 22070, Via Alessandro Volta, 43, 22070 Cassina Rizzardi CO, Italie, Italy

Italian – Intermediate

Lugano Arte e Cultura (LAC) Piazza Bernardino Luini 6, Lugano, Switzerland


Ajna, via Franscini 20, Lugano via Franscini 20, Lugano

Italian – Advanced

Pane & Zucchero Viale Castagnola 21/F, Lugano, Switzerland

Italian – Beginners

Ristorante Parco Maraini Via Massagno 36, Lugano, Switzerland

Drama Group

Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland

'Celebrating Women in Anglophone Literature'


Hotel Pestalozzi Piazza Indipendenza 9, Lugano, Switzerland

We all have stuff at home we’ve been given and wish we hadn’t. Now you have the solution for starting 2018 with less clutter. Well, not exactly. But at least we’ll see those objects off with a laugh! Bring the gift(s) you would like to get rid of, well wrapped. The more, and the kitscher,